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We're here to change that.


know the stats

Our military men and women are trained for battle – but what about life off the battlefield?

Sadly, too many of those who have willingly risked their lives for our freedom and our country are ill-equipped to deal with the stress, pain, and struggles of daily life… and it’s taking a toll.

The rate of suicide in the military is steadily increasing, already up more than 25% this year alone. 

and far t0o many are losing the fight.

There's a hidden battle our warriors are facing

“The soldier’s heart, the soldier’s spirit, the soldier’s soul are everything. Unless the soldier’s soul sustains him, he cannot be relied upon and will fail himself, his commander, and his country in the end.“

General of the Army, George Marshall

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Every day, those who have fought for our nation are waging a hidden battle against depression and suicide – and far too many are losing the war.

But with your gift today you can help active military and veteran men and women develop spiritual readiness that makes them seven times less likely to die by suicide.

A gift of just $44 sponsors one soldier to receive Spiritual Readiness training with Engage Your Destiny.

Bring Life-Saving Hope to Our Heroes

You can equip our military and veterans with life-changing spiritual readiness

new book coming soon on may 7, 2024 - get the presale bonus

Engage Your Destiny: Practical Ways to Run After Your God-Given Purpose

Active duty solder

"What resonated most in your training was how to control suicidal emotions. I’ve been in a dark place and needed these tools."

"Your training really helped me understand that we all have power over our emitions. I now know how to overcome them!"

Active duty solder

"I've been in a dark place and didn't know how to come out of it. Thank you for reaching out and supporting me through this. I don't have anyone else to turn to."


"I deeply appreciate you reaching out to me. It means a lot to know people actually care! I haven't had the best support growing up and so don't know how to reach out for help. Thank you for reaching out to me!"

active duty SOLDIER on deployment


Are you a veteran in crisis, or you need help for your veteran?

Click here for help